Sunday, January 15, 2012

Whats he thinking?GIRLS AND GUYS HELP PLZ?

i like this guy & he knows.we text sometimes, about once or twice a month & sometimes when he says sumthin, i think he likes me.then he'll say sumthin that completely changes my mind. for example(this was over a stupid forward):"it would if i asked you" i thought that maybe he liked me. then, in a later text still about the forward(the fwd was where u had to think of someone u wanted to be with for the rest of your life) he sed "i thought of you cause u like me alot i" and in another one he sed(i dont remembr what this was about: " yea i would k". it kinda came off that he was irritated or annoyed. then he'll say sumthin again that makes me think he likes me. so it's pretty much a bak & forth i thinkin about this 2 much?im about 2 just come out and ask him because i'm tired of how he acts.if i do, what should i say?what's he thinking(guys answering this would be much appreciated)?idk what 2 to & its making me really confused.any help appreciated =]


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