Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Planning Permission, Struggling with the local council.?

You need to start a legal paper trail. Send a certified letter to the head of the building department detailing what has happened to date, and asking him to respond to you in writing a list of problems/concerns regarding the delay in permitting. Ask for that response to be returned within one working week. If he/she asks to meet with you, bring a witness and take minutes of the discussion. If they ask who that person is, let them know exactly who they are and why they are there. If you still receive the run around, send another certified letter with your intent to contact an attorney to handle the matter on your behalf, and that you will be sending a certified letter to the mayor's office. If that alone doesn't get it done, you need to have an attorney get involved. It probably won't come to that once they realize that you are making a legal paper trail. When they realize you are serious, no politician will put themselves at risk for a friend/neighbor. Good Luck


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