Sunday, January 15, 2012

How can I tell if I have diabetes and hypertension?

I turned forty three a little over four months ago I don't have a car or a real job I eat whatever comes my way with er and salt day and night I haven't exercised since 1997 I spend most of my days and nights filling out online job applications, already two jobs have called me, I'm 6'1" or 2" weigh about 280 in my underwear and have a big beer belly and have been feeling a little dizzy lately so my father took my sugar level without me eating for hours, although I had two fried pork chops for breakfast with a large coffee and pepsi, and it said 81mg on the blood sugar meter. My sister then took my blood pressure and it read 140 over 98 on the blood pressure machine. They both said that I had it high and my father asked me if I wanted to take some of his meds to lower it and I said I'll think about it cuz I don't have the money to go to a doctor, no insurance and no medicaid. I also forgot to mention that I have friends who own a grocery store and I work a few hours a day and they give me a free six pack of Bud everyday along with my pay. Sometimes I even stay after work and would drink up to ten twelve ounce cans with them in the back of the store but not since Sunday cuz when I drink I can't use the internet to find and apply for jobs.These diseases run in my fathers side of the family. Is it a bad idea to take my fathers meds. I'm scared.


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